Youth Precinct Upgrade Masterplan Development

Since the Youth Precinct opened in 2016, the sun, salt, sand and wind have taken their toll on the equipment and nearly half has been removed with more equipment soon to reach its end of life.

Instead of replacing the equipment in the space, the City is renewing the space to create  a modern hub that features exciting opportunities and activities for young people. More here

Aerial Image of Youth Precinct

IMAGE: Youth Precinct located on the City Centre Foreshore.

To gain a better understanding of how well the remaining equipment in the precinct is used and gather ideas on what could be included in the space, the City undertook an extensive engagement process. In March and April 2024, the City conducted a community survey and utilised its results in a series of workshops with youth service providers and more than 60 student leaders from local high schools to collaboratively develop the draft concept masterplan for the precinct upgrade. Read the Survey report here

During the engagement process, interest in expanding recreational facilities to other areas on the Foreshore was sparked which prompted an investigation into the possibility. Following reviews of existing strategies, including the City Centre Revitalisation Plan, the area between the Dome Café and Cathedral Avenue was identified as a potential site.

Although the potential development of this site was not part of the Youth Precinct Upgrade, would be subject to Council decision making, future budget considerations and the availability of external funding, Council expressed interest in hearing what the community thought about the opportunity. 

Therefore, in September 2024, the City gathered feedback from project stakeholders and the broader community on the Draft Concepts Masterplan for the Youth Precinct and the concept design for a second site on the Foreshore located between the Dome Café and Cathedral Avenue. Feedback was also gathered on the opportunity to expand recreational activities to Site 2. Feedback Report coming soon

Council has allocated $4 million in the 2024/25 Budget to upgrade the Youth Precinct located in Stow Gardens.

Youth Precinct Draft Concept Masterplan

Site 2 Concept Design