
About Nominate for Council Voting
View candidate nominations Information for owners and occupiers Frequently asked questions

About Geraldton Council Elections

The 黑料社 Council currently comprises a Mayor elected by the electors and 10 councillors, including the deputy mayor (total 11).

Local Government Ordinary Elections are held every two years on the third Saturday in October. The next election will be held on 18 October 2025 

Ratepayers and residents of the City are entitled to vote in local government elections.

Local governments make many decisions that affect the local community and by voting at local elections, ratepayers and residents can contribute to effective local government by having a voice in determining who will represent them in making those decisions.

Council Policy 4.23 Election Signs

Information on Running for Council

Information on running for Council is available on the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website -  .

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Nominations for Council

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, issue publications which provide detailed information for candidates who wish to nominate for a local government election.

Details are available at (WAEC).

To nominate as a candidate for a local government election, the candidate must complete the Local Government Candidate Induction and make a valid nomination application.

A valid nomination consists of:

  • a completed nomination form written in English

  • a candidate profile - not more than 1000 characters with spaces (excluding your name and contact details)

  • a deposit of $100

  • a photograph (optional).

You may also provide a written statement for publication on the local governments website of no more than 2000 characters, inclusive of spaces.

All nomination applications must be signed by the candidate in front of a witness.

The nomination application must be presented to the Returning Officer at a pre-arranged appointment before 4.00pm on the day of close of nominations.

The WA Electoral Commission has provided a to assist you with in creating your nomination.

Candidate Sessions

The 黑料社 will hold a Candidate Information Session prior to the candidate nomination period, to provide insight and information into the roles and responsibilities of Council and Councillors.

View a copy of the presentation for the 2023 Election -  by the Chief Executive Officer by clicking here

View a copy of the presentation by a City Councillor for the 2023 Election by clicking here

Nomination Appointment Schedule

As the Returning Officer may ask candidates to amend their nomination, it is recommended that candidates ensure that they have allowed sufficient time to finalise any required changes prior to the close of nominations.

Further details are available on the website.

Candidate Induction

All candidates are required to complete a mandatory online induction course prior to nomination. 

The Candidate Induction is available on the page on the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website.

Disclosure of Gifts 

All candidates, and donors, are required to disclose gifts in accordance with Part 5A of the Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997

Disclosure of Gift Form

Disclosure of Gifts Regulations

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Voting Method

Elections are conducted by the Western Australian Electoral Commission as a postal ballot.

Election packages are posted to all electors enrolled on the City's combined electoral roll approximately two weeks before election day. Each person enrolled to vote will be issued a ballot package by mail which will provide details and instructions on how to vote.

Completed packages must be received by the Western Australian Electoral Commission by 6.00pm on Election Day.

Completed ballot packages can also be hand delivered to the 黑料社 Administration Building, Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton, or the Mullewa District Office, cnr Thomas and Padbury Street, Mullewa, during business hours, prior to election day, or hand delivered to the 黑料社 Administration Building, Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton, on Election Day prior to the 6.00pm close of poll.

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Who is Eligible to Vote?

To be able to vote in the local government election, a person must be a resident of the 黑料社, or an non - resident owner or non-resident occupier of rateable property. For additional information see


A resident is anyone enrolled on the State electoral roll for a residence in the electorate. A resident will automatically be included on any electoral roll supplied to the relevant local government for that electorate by the Western Australian Electoral Commission. The Residents Roll is maintained by the Western Australian Electoral Commission and enquiries may be made directly to the Commission via telephone on 136 306.

Non- Resident Owners/ Occupiers

Non-resident owners 

To be eligible to vote a non-resident owner must:

  • be eligible to vote in a State or Federal Election
  • be an owner as per the definitions and requirements in the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) and Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997

and the property that the claim is made against must be rateable

The definition of " owner' in the Act is:

  • the holder of an estate of freehold
  • the holder of an interest via contract with the Crown (State)
  • the holder of the right to acquire or purchase in fee simple
  • a crown lease holder (or tenant) which the terms of the lease provides they are required to pay rates
  • a trustee, executor, administrator, attorney, or agent of a holder
  • the holder of a licensee to take profit of Crown land
  • the holder of certain tenements under the Mining Act 1978 and the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967

An owner remains on the roll until the property is sold or in the case of owner nominees, either until the property is sold or the corporate body changes its nominees.

Non –resident occupiers 

To be eligible to vote an occupier must:

  • be eligible to vote in a State or Federal Election
  • be an occupier of the property as per the definitions and requirements in the Act and the Election Regulations.

and the property must be rateable.

The occupier must hold a right of occupation for 12 months prior to making a claim and have occupation which will last for at least 3 months following the claim.

Requirements for a person to be enrolled as an occupier include:

  • they must have quiet enjoyment (exclusive occupation) of their occupied property
  • they must be able to secure their occupied property from intruders
  • they must genuinely operate or intent to operate their business from that property
  • they must lease at least 10mof property, subject to a series of exclusions
  • they must pay a minimum   amount of rent for the property

Non - resident occupiers and occupier nominees remain on the roll as per below 

Date of claim Claim expiration
Between the last ordinary election day and the close of roll for the next ordinary election day The day six months following the second ordinary election day since the claim was made.
After the close of roll but before the ordinary election. The day six months following the third ordinary election day since the claim was made.

Non-Resident Owners/ Occupiers - Not on the State or Commonwealth Government Electoral roll

(Not Australian Citizens)

Persons who were on the local government electoral roll prior to the commencement of the Local Government Act 1995 may claim eligibility to vote if they:

  • were enrolled for the last local government election before 1 July 1996
  • have continuously owned or occupied rateable property in the same district for all those years
  • have not obtained Australian citizenship since that election (and therefore are not able to enrol by another means)

Co-Owners and Co- Occupiers

The Local Government Act provides generally for two people that own a property to have a vote each. However some property ownership arrangements mean that a property can be co- owned or co -occupied by a group of people. Section 4.31(1E) and (1F) of the Local Government Act 1995 states that:

  •  if more than 2 people own rateable property in conjunction with each other, the owners are whichever 2 of those people who, being eligible to vote in a State or Federal election, are nominated as occupiers by all or a majority of those people (1E)
  • If more than 2 people occupy rateable property in conjunction with each other, the occupiers are whichever 2 of those people who, being eligible to vote in a State or Federal election, are nominated as occupiers by all or a majority of those people (1F)

How do I Enrol to Vote?


If you are not on the State electoral roll and meet the eligibility criteria to enrol please visit the enrolment page of the website. From this site you can download an enrolment form or enrol online.

Non- Resident Owners/Occupiers

If the non-resident owner/ occupier of rateable property in the district is enrolled on the State electoral roll as living outside the District enrolment is not automatic.

Applications for inclusion on the local government roll as an owner /occupier are to be made on the appropriate ‘Enrolment Eligibility Claim’ form:

RA08a - Owner or Co Owner

RA08b - Occupier or Co Occupier

RA08c - Nomination by group of Owners/ Occupiers

RA08d- Nomination by Body Corporate

Forms are to be completed and to be lodged with the City's Rates Revenue Team:

In Person: 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton

Mail: 黑料社, PO Box 101, Geraldton WA 6531

Email: 黑料社

To be able to vote at the election the application must reach and be accepted by the CEO no later than 5.00pm ,57 days prior to the election.

If the application is rejected the applicant will be advised in writing.

What is the Closing Date for Enrolments? 

The closing date for the electoral roll is 57 days prior to the election, 5.00pm.

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Frequently asked questions about Local Government Elections

Does the 黑料社 have electoral wards?

The 黑料社 has a no ward system

Can I vote for the Mayor?

Yes, the Mayor of the 黑料社 is currently elected by ordinary election at the end of the term of office.

Is voting at local government elections compulsory?

Voting in Local Government Elections is not compulsory however it is encouraged that you do participate to have your say on who represents the 黑料社.

Where can I vote?

The 黑料社 election is conducted by the Western Australian Electoral Commission as a postal ballot.  A voting package which consists of the ballot paper and Candidate profiles is posted to each elector. Packages will be lodged by the WA Electoral Commission with Australia Post, commencing 36 days prior to election day – this allows plenty of time to vote and return the completed ballot paper in the envelope provided.

A ballot box will also be provided from the day ballot papers are sent out to electors until 6pm on election day at the 黑料社 Administration Building, 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton, and 

 at the Mullewa District office, cnr Thomas and Padbury Street, Mullewa, from the day ballot papers are issued until five days prior to the election.

A polling place is open on election day so that electors may return completed ballot papers in person (for example if the elector forgot to post their completed ballot papers in time).

When do candidates nominate to stand for election?

The nomination period opens on the 51st day prior to Election Day, and closes on the 44th day prior to election, at 4.00pm.

Who is the Returning Officer?

The Returning Officer, for the 黑料社, will be advised prior to the election.

When is local government election day and when does the election close?

The local government election day is held throughout Western Australia on the third Saturday in October every second year. The next local government election will be held on 21 October 2023.

I own two properties. Why do I only get one vote?

An individual may only appear once on the Electoral roll, regardless of the number of properties which they own or occupy. Please check above to see if you need to complete an Enrolment Eligibility Claim Form.

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